Courses offered by 1 Moment Wiser, LLC. and the materials therein are the property of 1 Moment Wiser, LLC. and Kristi Bridges. As such, they are subject to US Copyright laws. As a student who has paid for the course or received a promotional lesson free of charge, you may print and save 1 copy of the materials for your own personal, non-transferable use. Additional copies may be purchased as part of a course enrollment or by emailing [email protected] for an invoice. Distribution of the course or course materials without prior approval is a violation of copyright and will be addressed in the court of law wherein 1 Moment Wiser, LLC. is sitused at the time the violation is addressed.

In summary, please don't share these materials. They are created for this course and should be purchased by each student with the course, or separately from 1 Moment Wiser directly.

However, please tell your friends about your terrific experience here, so they can enroll for the course themselves.